Chief Justice petitioned to halt NDC NEC member’s call to the bar


The Chief Justice, Kwasi Anin Yeboah, has been petitioned over the call of a former Ghana School of Law SRC President, Victor Wonder Kutor, to the bar.

The petitioner, whose name is only given as ‘Concerned Citizen’, claims Mr. Kutor is unfit and not eligible to be called to the bar due to a “list of misconducts” and financial impropriety allegations against him.

In its report dated August 22, 2022, a committee set up by the Ghana School of Law to look into allegations against the former Students’ Representative Council President accused Mr. Kutor of buying a car for the SRC from his company, and another one for his personal use under questionable circumstances.

He was also accused of running an SRC-owned Mobile Money business with his company name and diverting proceeds from the business for his personal use.

Decisions for foreign travels embarked upon by the SRC were also unilaterally taken by the SRC President, who single-handedly selected those who travelled.

Although he denied these allegations, the petitioner argues “character, integrity and high morals are very essential to becoming a lawyer in Ghana and therefore Mr. Kutor is not fit to be called to the bar”.

“Mr. Kutor in a display of unrepentance used the social media accounts of the Ghana School of Law SRC on 19th December, 2022 in promoting partisan politics.

“Preserving the integrity of the legal profession has been of utmost priority to the General Legal Council. Mr. Kutor on all accounts has shown himself not fit to be called to the bar; neither has he shown himself to be someone who will help in preserving the integrity of the legal profession,” the petitioner argued.

The Ama Governor twist

In November 2022, a YouTuber and law student – Elorm Ababio popularly known as Ama Governor – was denied call to the bar despite her successful completion of the professional law programme that saw her pass her exams and scale the interview session as well.

A complaint was said to have been received from a ‘concerned citizen’, alleging that she “lacks good character” due to contents on her YouTube and social media channels.

The General Legal Council constituted a committee to investigate the complaint.

The petitioner asking Wonder Kutor’s call to the bar to be put on hold contends that the former SRC President must be denied the call on grounds of ethical breaches.

He expects the Chief Justice to act on the petition by Friday, May 5, 2023.

“I humbly request an investigation into the reports and petition made against Mr. Kutor with sanctions applies where appropriate,” the petition concluded.

By Christian Yalley||Ghana


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