No one has approached me from the film industry in Ghana, I didn’t know it existed- Spike Lee


American filmmaker and actor, Shelton Jackson also known as Spike Lee has weighed in on Ghana’s bustling film industry on his arrival.
Spike Lee who was in Ghana with Vice-President Kamala Harris as part of her three-nation tour in Africa said despite the giant strides the industry, he did not know of its existence until his latest visit.

“I was not aware, I didn’t know there was a thriving film industry in Ghana,” he revealed

Speaking on Asaase Radio,the Oscar-winning screenwriter, said no one has reached out to him from Ghana but knew more about Nollywood.

“I know about Nigeria; no one has approached me from the film industry in Ghana,” Lee said.

The National Film Authority headed by Juliet Asante in charge of engagement of this nature according to Spike Lee had not met him yet.

Lee who will leave Ghana today, March 30 disclosed that it would have been in his best interest if he met stakeholders in the industry.

“I would have loved to meet the peoeple in the film industry but I am leaving tomorrow,” he said amist raw shock and laughter.

Speaking on the locations, he said the scenery and spots were beautiful but a storyline was essential to bring the attraction sites to life.

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