Do you have the money to pay for a foreign feature? – Ball J questions artists calling A-list musicians stingy with connections


Hip-hop artiste, Ball J Beat has described Ghanaian musicians as a group of selfless individuals, though others hold a different view.
Some critics hold a strong opinion that some Ghanaian artists are stingy with their connections hence our inability to feature more foreign artists like Nigerians but Ball J Beat begs to differ.

According to him, “Ghanaians are not that selfish. I don’t believe that Ghanaians are selfish. We have selfish people in every country but Ghanaians really share”.

He indicated that people say these artists do not like to share their contacts but he revealed that, unlike other countries, some Ghanaian artists may not have the money to pay these international acts even if the links are shared. “The question is when they share with you, do you have the money to pay?” he asked.

Ball J compared Ghana to Nigeria on Showbiz University Podcast and said that with the latter, they have the funds to collaborate with the Chris Browns and other big names which is why we see that happening often. However, in Ghana, that is not the case.

“In conclusion, we are going to say Ghanians don’t like sharing. It is business. So it’s not really about the connection, it’s about who can foot the bill and we are really behind.”

By Esther Aryee||Ghana


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