Economy: It’s marvelous in my eyes where we are; we have seen progress – Ofori-Atta


Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta

Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has expressed delight with the economic recovery.

He described the economic recovery as marvelous in his eye. Speaking on Ghana Television on Sunday, August 6, he said “We have seen progress and I think for me, it is marvelous in my eyes as to where we are.”

Mr Ofori-Atta earlier told Parliament that the government had avoided the unimaginable.

He said during the presentation of the 2023 mid-year budget review on Monday, July 31 that with a lot of effort, the government managed to avoid empty shop shelves for medicines and other essentials the country has seen no shortages of food;

“We have been spared the frustrating spectre of long queues for fuel at our filling stations; and, we have managed, in spite of all the challenges, to keep the lights on,” he said.

“Indeed, as the Psalmist said (in Psalm 118:23) this is the LORD’s doing; and it is marvelous in our eyes.

“This ‘turning the corner’ is underpinned by the investments and sacrifices we have
collectively made during this difficult period since March 2020,” he added.

Mr Ofori-Atta further said that it is important that we acknowledge some of the major milestones that this country has experienced in the last 3 years.

“We should be still and appreciate that despite our challenges as a country, we have been saved from many extreme conditions that others have suffered, including peace, health, security, continuous supply of power, and life itself, amongst others.

“Over that period, the country has gone through extremely difficult situations, and
the gratitude of His Excellency the President and his government goes to the good
people of Ghana for their patience, understanding and positive contributions to
Government’s efforts to weather the storm.”


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