The adventurous Ghanaians who embarked on a 10,000KM trip to London from Accra by road have finally made it to their destination.
The Ghanaians who embarked on the historic trip arrived in London on Sunday, August 6, 2023, after a short trip in Switzerland.
Wanderlust Ghana, the organisers of the trip, revealed that they arrived around 12:00pm GMT (1:00 pm BST). The group is expected to be at Ashford Kent Outlet Mall for a welcome party.
London#AccratoLondon pic.twitter.com/fmji1YPS2f
— Cyprian Wealth (@edcyprian) August 6, 2023
They started the expedition of driving from one continent to the other from Accra on Sunday [July 23, 2023] through Aburi, Nsawam, Kumasi, and Sunyani to Dormaa and then entered Cote d’Ivoire via Golokrom.
They were 12 people when they started the journey but one person dropped off in Senegal because of work-related reasons and two others also dropped off in Morocco.
By Friday [August 4, 2023], they were at the outskirts of Monaco in Europe and were about to enter France, having moved through five African countries, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania and Morocco and entered Europe by a ferry on the Mediterranean to Algeciras in Spain, before driving to Barcelona via Valencia. They spent three days in the country in Morocco.
They started the journey as a group of 12 people and are using five different Ghanaian registered vehicles, a Mercedez Benz G-Wagon, two Toyota Landcruisers (V8), Lexus RX 350 and a Ford F150, Raptor.
On a daily basis, each of the vehicles they are using uses about 250 litres of fuel. Averagely they do about 800km to 900km in a day.
They have shared videos on social media moving through the desert and how some of the vehicles – Toyota – have had brake pads changed many times while the others are still moving without any brake pads changed.
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