A recap of the “This is Ghana” Exhibition 2023 [Article]


The vibrant and diverse landscape of Ghana’s business ecosystem was vividly showcased at the “This is Ghana” Exhibition, a two-day event organized by CITI TV and CITI FM. Held on August 26th and 27th, 2023, at the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), the exhibition was a celebration of the country’s entrepreneurial spirit, bringing together a multitude of local SMEs, startups, home-grown businesses, and indigenous corporate bodies.

The event not only highlighted the potential of these enterprises but also offered a platform for collaboration, networking, and knowledge exchange. Sponsored by esteemed partners such as MTN MOMO, Nalo Solutions, Pan-African Savings and Loans, SNV Green, and EK Brand Consult, the “This is Ghana” Exhibition proved to be a monumental success, leaving a lasting impact on both exhibitors and visitors.

Fostering Collaboration and Networking Opportunities

The “This is Ghana” Exhibition acted as a melting pot for Ghana’s business community, providing a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators to connect and collaborate. With a diverse array of industries represented, from technology and fashion to agriculture and finance, participants were able to explore potential partnerships and synergies that transcend traditional boundaries.

The networking opportunities that the exhibition provided were invaluable, enabling attendees to forge connections that could potentially lead to joint ventures, mentorship, and shared resources. The event’s open and interactive environment facilitated organic interactions, ensuring that even the most introverted entrepreneur could find common ground with like-minded peers.

Increased Visibility and Brand Awareness

For many local SMEs and startups, visibility is often a significant hurdle in their journey towards growth and success. The “This is Ghana” Exhibition addressed this challenge head-on, offering exhibitors an extensive platform to showcase their products, services, and innovations to a diverse audience. The prominent location of the exhibition at the forecourt of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly further amplified its impact, attracting foot traffic from both local residents and visitors.

As a result, participating businesses gained heightened brand visibility and recognition, not only within the local community but also on a larger scale. This exposure was essential for creating a lasting impression in the minds of potential customers, investors, and collaborators.

Increased Sales and Profit

One of the most tangible outcomes of participation in the “This is Ghana” Exhibition was the significant boost in sales and revenue experienced by many exhibitors. The event’s strategic timing, just ahead of the holiday season, allowed businesses to capitalize on increased consumer spending. Furthermore, the exhibition’s diverse audience composition ensured that exhibitors had the opportunity to tap into new markets and customer segments.

The interactive nature of the event allowed visitors to experience products and services firsthand, building trust and confidence that translated into tangible transactions. As a result, many participants reported a substantial increase in sales and profits over the exhibition’s two-day duration, underlining the event’s effectiveness as a sales platform.

Acknowledging Gratitude

The success of the “This is Ghana” Exhibition would not have been possible without the generous support of its sponsors. MTN MOMO, Nalo Solutions, Pan-African Savings and Loans, SNV Green, and EK Brand Consult played a pivotal role in bringing the event to fruition, contributing not only financial backing but also their expertise and resources.

Their commitment to promoting entrepreneurship and fostering economic growth deserves commendation, as their partnership elevated the exhibition’s impact and reach.


The “This is Ghana” Exhibition 2023 stands as a testament to Ghana’s vibrant entrepreneurial landscape and its potential to drive economic growth. Through its focus on collaboration, networking, increased visibility, and boosted sales, the event provided a holistic platform for businesses of all sizes to thrive and succeed.

The participation of a diverse array of industries and the support of dedicated sponsors showcased the power of collective efforts in driving positive change. As the echoes of the exhibition resonate throughout Ghana’s business community, the event’s legacy will continue to inspire innovation, collaboration, and growth for years to come.

David Kwaku Sakyi


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