Prampram Kingmakers Ready To Furnish RESEC With Documents To Nail Impersonators


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Prampram Chieftaincy Dispute To Soon Be Over As Kingmakers Readies To Furnish Regional Security Council With Documents To Nail Impersonators

Kingmakers in the Prampram Traditional Area are this week expected to present royal family records to the regional security Council which will expose persons behind the long-standing Prampram chieftaincy disputes.

The avalanche of documents amongst other things is expected to expose persons behind the dubious enstoolment and gazetting of Nene Tetteh Wakah as chief of Prampram and as well give the security council enough arsenal to arrest and prosecute the said embattled chief of Pramrpam over his involvement in several criminal cases.

According to the kingmakers who have long held the stance that, the Abbey family of prampram is the only rightful family permitted by the traditions and laws governing the chieftaincy institution to ascend the seat of authority (chief of Prampram), say their decision to furnish the security council with the necessary documents follows growing perception that the openly recognition given to Nene Tetteh Wakah by some state officials and institutions allude to the fact that he is the rightful king of Prampram. They say this will also bring to an end the long-standing dispute on the matter.

The kingmakers averred that contrary to claims by some individuals that families such as Quarcopome, Sackey are also royals mandated to ascend the seat of Authority in Prampram, the only royal house permissible by law to appoint an individual to be enstooled as chief of Prampram is the Abbey Royal family which is made up of 3 gates namely the Abbey Doku Mansro We, Kwei Opletu We and Tetteh Djan Larbi Agbo We.

According to the kingmakers, the said Michael Quarcopome Packer who goes about parading himself as chief of Prampram under the title Nene Tetteh Wakah II does not hail from any of these 3 gates, neither does he have any allegiance to these 3 gates to be recognised as a royal.

The long-standing chieftaincy disputes in Prampram have resulted in the death of some key individuals who have stood for the truth by fighting against the supposed enstoolment of Nene Tetteh Wakah as chief of Prampram. It is expected that the scheduled meeting between the kingmakers and the regional security Council will expose all the persons behind attempts to force an individual on the good people of Prampram and also to circumvent the will of the people by trying to change the narrative that Prampram has only 3 royal gates and not 4 as being perpetrated by some individuals.

Meanwhile, checks indicate that the President of the National House of Chiefs, Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II who is facing contempt charges for his involvement in gazetting the said Nene Tetteh Wakah while there was a challenging suit over his eligibility as chief, has gone into hiding. It is not clear what informed the move by the House of Chiefs president, however, kingmakers of prampram who declined to comment on the latest development said, they hope and pray that justice will be served in this matter.

They further urged the IGP, the chieftaincy minister and the regional security council to ensure fairness in their handling of the matter.

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